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Always be a Good Manager

Making use of The 'Productive Lazy' Way
Avoid the Swamp

This kind of is linked in so many ways to the communication topic already protected. If you create a communication plan that ensures to swamp you from 1, what is the benefit; to you or the project?


The master plan should ensure you are not viewed as the oracle on all matters, or that you feel the bottleneck for a positive information flow within the project team. Most tasks develop communication plans that are the documented method for getting the right information to the right people at the right time. We all know that each stakeholder has different requirements for facts and so the plan specifies what, how and how often communication should be made. What project operators rarely do is consider and map all communication flows, official, unofficial, developing or complete, is to do a load research across the project composition of these communication moves. If they did they would spot bottlenecks much earlier than they normally do; usually this matter is merely discovered when one part of the communication chain begins complaining about their work.

Consider the Open Door Coverage

The open door policy has become a real management cliche?.

"Of course" managers pronounce in a firm voice, "my door is always open up to you all, day or night; I'm really there for you. inches

Empowerment in this way has become more an entitlement for the task team than a job manager's choice. They just are expecting you to be there when they want you to be (and not even when they need one to be there, either). A door policy may easily convert a project manager's role as a result of an authority, and controlling figure to that of a subservient accommodator, with little choice of training control on the ones that demand access.

Always be a Good Manager

The best manager is the probably the one who reads the paper or MSN every morning, has time enough to say "Hi" at the espresso machine, is isn't always running flat out as they are "late for an important meeting. " By i mean that a good (an obviously productively lazy) manager has everything operating so smoothly that they have time to see the paper or MSN etc. This is a supervisor who must be confident in their position and capacities.

An excellent manager will have moment for their project team, and being one who has everything running effortlessly, will allow that to happen.

A good director does not be on hand twenty four several hours each day, seven days a week. They do not need to have the answer to every question, nor do they have to be the conduit to the answer to every question. We have a whole project team out there - go speak with some of them - they may very well have a much better answer to hand, anyway.

Believe about Number One

You honestly want the perfect for yourself as well as for the project; My spouse and i understand that, so give yourself that chance. Have you ever ever met a job manager who has put themselves down as a project risk? "Yeah, well I am just too nice a guy, won't be able to say no, can't switch someone away, want to cha"' - likelihood 80%, impact 100%, mitigate now!

Although hopefully by now you also want to apply the productive lazy way so consider this; area team deal with 80 percent of the communication, a majority of the questions, 80 percent of the issues, and let the 20% come through to you for consideration and guidance. You don't have even to solve that 20%. I would personally further suggest that only even just the teens of this 20% are likely to be responded by you in an satisfactory manner; there are always others that provides better advice.

 Consider the Relax

OK, you have worked with the'thinking about single most important thing, now what about your team? Well by working with number 1 you will have already done they a huge favour. You will be accessible when you need to be accessible. The lights will go on as and when they are really needed - it is a kind of 'green' project management policy.

The worse thing that can happen is that just right now when there is a 'clear and present' need for someone to talk to you, whether about a project or a personal matter, you are just too involved in trivia to even provide them with the time of day. Remember the whole 'respect' and 'reputation for team support' we spoke about earlier, well this is a major contributor to that.

Analyze and Lessen

Which is not an one-off action; you need to keep on top of this as well. Projects change, communication grows, and roles are in flux. Execute a quick evaluation of what information and queries flow through you and how, and regularly re-assess. Can others offer with some of this? Exactly what are the important components that you need to be involved in? Are there too many questions and communication from particular sources? And so on.


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